Creating a custom music box for my son with 3D printing and Arduino

As a parent, I’m always looking for new ways to engage and entertain my kids. That’s why I decided to take on a new project: creating a custom music box using 3D printing and Arduino technology.

The first step in the process was designing the music box itself. I wanted it to be visually appealing and easy for my son to use, so I spent some time sketching out different ideas and playing around with various shapes and sizes. Once I had a design that I was happy with, I used my 3D printer to bring it to life.

The next step was to work on the hardware. For this, I turned to Arduino – an open-source electronics platform that’s perfect for building interactive projects like this one.

But what really sets this music box apart is the software. Rather than developing everything from scratch, I decided to use open-source software from This allowed me to easily upload my own music and stories, and associate them with different cards. While working on this project, I contributed a few patches for the Tonuino project.

The final result is a music box that’s not only fun and engaging for my son, but also completely unique and personalized. To use it, all he has to do is place a card on top of the box, and the associated music or story will start playing. It’s been a great project to work on, and I’m thrilled with how it turned out.